Facilitator Pilot Training
Presentation Descriptions

Our Trainees Graduated on April 27, 2021 to earn their HOTM Empowerment and Self-Defense Facilitator Training Certificate.
Read Here how one of our Facilitator Trainees opened her gatherings:
"Greetings, My Indian name is White Swan and my English name is Dana Hewankorn. I am a member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of Northwestern Montana. Specifically I am of Ksanka band of Ktunaxa Tribe. Today I greet you from the shores of Flathead lake in the small Ksanka community of Elmo, Montana. To me, the heart of the Ksanka people.
I would like to welcome you to The House of The Moon Circle. I will be facilitating tonight’s gathering. Let me tell you a little about the House of the Moon. The House of the Moon is a grassroots effort to strengthen and empower Indigenous communities all across Indian Country as a way to prevent, heal from and end the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls crisis. The HOTM council and advisors are working on the ability to provide this training course to Indigenous women from any Tribe or First Nation, all across Indian Country. The program is rooted in Traditional Knowledge and perspectives and is intended to restore reverence to the Life Givers.
I was asked to participate in the HOTM Pilot Facilitator Training program in October, 2020. For the last several months, I along with 7 other Indigenous women from US and Canada, had the opportunity to work with many presenters on various topics. Topics included Historical Trauma, the devastating impacts over generations and how it correlates with the MMIWG tragedy. We learned of the resiliency of our people and communities. From this training, I was able to see the ways in which federal policy, colonialism and the many ways dominant society has interacted with Indian people, to create the perfect storm for the MMIWG tragedy to happen historically and also how we as a people can reverse this horrific tragedy and return to a balanced community that is well armed to combat the dangers.
Now, we are here to complete the pilot program, Myrna and I will be co-facilitating 4 HOTM gatherings here on ZOOM. We will share some of the holistic empowerment and self-defense practices, tools and knowledge we have learned in this intensive process. The framework for these gatherings will include circles focused on Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual empowerment as a way to defend yourself.
Disclaimer, I am not an expert. I am a grassroots person who cares deeply about my people. My intentions are to bring our people together in a safe space to learn more about MMIWG, to reclaim our traditional perspectives and our inherent courage to overcome this crisis. Together, we will stand to empower ourselves and protect our women, girls and people.
Honestly, I had no idea what I was in for when I agreed to participate in this project. I am honored to be a part of this and have great hopes, that with continued practice and outreach, we will overcome this centuries old crisis that has stolen so many of our people. I can see, without a doubt, how systemic oppression, racism and the American Dream has been more of a nightmare for my people. Our ancestral teachings and our immense survival skills will lead us through this and together we will be stronger.
With the HOTM, we are joining with all our relatives, regardless of borders. We are coming together to support each other to protect the Earth, the Water and all that is Sacred."

Opening Ceremony:
October 16, 2020, 8-9pm PST

Chief Judy Wilson from Neskonlith Indian Band will host a virtual welcome and prayer ceremony to launch the pilot program. Trainees, Founding Council, Advisor Circle and Presenters are encouraged to attend.
All training sessions will include an opening and closing prayers and brief introductions.
Presentation 1:
October 19, 2020 7:30-9:30pm PST

Trainee Introductions and Program's Mission, Vision and Roots
Feedback & Processing Session:
October 21, 2020, 6:30-8pm PST
*Each presentation will be followed by a discussion held on the Wednesday after the presentation. Trainees will have a chance to discuss, share experience and give constructive feedback on the previous presentation.
Presentation 2:
October 26, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

How the World We Used to Live In Became Now: The Origins of MMIWG
Rain (Náhkȯxho’óxeóó’ėstse/Bulka Werynninny Waangaka) will trace the origins of what we now classify as MMIWG. Pre-contact, Indigenous societies lived within the embrace of the sacred, a lifeway conducted in reverence for the feminine which was reflected in the positions of esteem women held in a multitude of cultures. From the moment of Euro-Contact, a pattern to defile the sacred feminine in every aspect was established and has been continually reinforced through colonial and patriarchal imposition and continues to the present. To address MMIWG, it is imperative to recognize how that “vicious cycle” from “Contact” manifests today.
Feedback & Processing Session:
October 28, 2020, 6:30-7:30pm PST
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Presentation 3:
November 2, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

Feedback & Processing Session:
November 4, 2020, 6:30-7:30pm PST
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
The Role of Social Media in Violence Against Women & Youth
Chief Judy Wilson, Neskonlith Indian Band, will discuss the dangers of Social Media and the predatory nature of individuals and enterprises that target youth and vulnerable people, often targeting minority and marginalized communities.
She’ll share insights about the traps that lead to trafficking, pornography and extortion. In a world that depends more and more on technology for communication, our communities will be stronger and healthier if we are aware of and learn ways to identify and prevent online exploitation.
4 Day Healing Retreat Begins
Trainees will receive special box in advance filled with gifts, prayer items and materials to be used to create a Sacred space for themselves throughout the Retreat time. Each retreat day will have a unique schedule and layout depending on the activity. Trainees should plan on devoting up to 6 hours to themselves each day for the retreat (Not all time will be online). Times and activities will be specified closer to the date. Trainees should plan to the best of their ability to rest, nourish, self-care and tend to themselves from November 12th-15th.
Retreat Day 1: November 12, 2020

Opening Ceremony
LoVina Louie, Coeur d'Alene/Colville/Nez Perce will discuss historical and inter-generational trauma and healing and begin with a guided interactive visioning of a time when love was not broken, when our Indigenous people were strong and healthy. The participants will visually process through the history of historical events with a focus on diseases, loss of land, boarding schools, relocation and assimilation. She will show "We Shall Remain" that depicts in a powerful way the impacts of historical trauma on Indigenous people. She will guide a discuss around healing from trauma. Trainees will have an opportunity to work through some of their own trauma and healing and practice utilizing their story as a tool for empowerment.
Closing Ceremony
Retreat Day 2: November 13, 2020

Opening Ceremony
Elaine Alec, telxnitkw, translates into “Standing by Water” will present on "Cultivating Safe Spaces" based on her book, "Calling My Spirit Back". The presentation will provide trainees with 4 necessary conditions required to cultivate safe spaces to promote diversity and inclusion in planning, governance and business, including our own individual planning for self-care, self-love and self-confidence.
Closing Ceremony
Guidance and Ritual given for Connecting to the Sacred Land in your territory and practices for communing with our 4-legged and winged Relatives
Retreat Day 3:
November 14, 2020, 11:00AM PST

Opening Ceremony
Annita Mcphee from the Tahitan/Tlinget Nations will present on how Lateral Violence undermines the web of sisterhood, Traditional ways, sovereignty and power. Annita will create a safe place for trainees to explore what lateral violence is, provide an overview of the historical root causes and offer solutions through healthy ways to communicate. She will discuss how to de-colonize the way we talk to ourselves and each other.
Closing Ceremony
Retreat Day 4: November 15, 2020

Presentation: Re-membering Coyolxauqui - Women's Return to Wholeness by
Maestra Grace Sesma
The Coyolxauhqui Stone is a huge carving of a dismembered woman and a representation of Grandmother Moon. it is, according to one interpretation, a prophecy of a time when woman's power would be torn apart as a result of the Spanish imposition of culture and religion upon Native cultures. Yet the old ones also spoke of a time of future awakening when women would call back their power and lead communities in a return to wholeness. Grace's Indigenous Land of birth is Kumiai and she lives in the Indigenous Land of Kumeyaay
Presentation 4:
November 23, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

4 Day Sacred Healing Retreat "Digestion Session". Trainees will discuss teachings from each of the 4 retreat presenters and its impact on self and how they might deliver what was learned from the presentations to their communities.
Feedback & Processing Session:
November 25, 2020, 6:30-8pm PST
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Presentation 5:
November 30, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

Elder Amelia Washington, from Nlaka'pamux First Nation, and one of our core faculty as Elder support for every HOTM training session, will bring her Traditional Knowledge to our trainees for this powerful presentation. She says, "As helpers, we need to take care of ourselves. We can use our traditional and cultural practices to brush ourselves when we are impacted by others trauma and our own intergenerational trauma."
For this House of the Moon presentation, please bring a fir bough or an eagle feather for brushing oneself. Please respect the cultural protocol of not participating if one is on their sacred moon time.
She will guide the circle through Medicine Brushing, Waking Spirit and Standing Spirit and share healing and prayerful ways to Braid and tend to our Sacred hair.
Feedback & Processing Session:
December 2, 2020, 6:30-8pm PST
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Presentation 6:
December 7, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

Feedback & Processing Session:
December 9, 2020, 6:30-8pm PST
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Building Warriors, Reignite Your Warrior Within: Melissa Moses, the first female Indigenous Muay Thai Instructor to be certified by the Sport Authority of Thailand and the Naikhanomtom Association in both Canada and U.S. will bring her innate Warrior spirit to our HOTM trainees for this powerful session focused on physical and non-physical Self-Defense strategies. She will discuss ways for women and girls to defend themselves in common scenarios of violence and assault.
Presentation 7:
December 14, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Feedback & Processing Session:
December 16, 2020, 6:30-8pm PST
Linda Black Elk will present on "Food Sovereignty and its direct relationship to empowerment. Linda will discuss ways to decolonize diet and how traditional foods nourish, heal and give strength to our people and communities.
Presentation 8:
December 21, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

Structure of Community Classes and Planning your HOTM Gatherings: Trainees will learn basic framework and organizational tools to be able to simply and successfully design their own HOTM sessions in their own communities.
Feedback & Processing Session:
December 23, 2020, 6:30-8pm PST
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Presentation 9:
December 28, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm PST

Kanahus Manuel, Secwepemc and Ktunaxa will present on Environmental Racism and its direct link to MMIWG2S. She will also discuss her work with the Tiny House Warriors, a group of Secwepemc land and water defenders, who have a simple message, “water is life; our land is our home”. Their mission is to stop the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline from crossing unceded Secwepemc territory.
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Feedback & Processing Session:
December 30, 2020, 6:30-8pm PST
Presentation 10:
January 4, 2021, 6:30-8:30pm PST

Lowell Hochhalter Founder/Exec. Director of The Lifeguard Group, an organization that has mandated itself to combat human trafficking and see it come to an end by providing awareness to groups and organizations, responding to those who are in need of rescue and help, will present on "Recognizing Victim Predatory Tendencies".
Feedback & Processing Session:
January 6, 2021, 6:30-8pm PST
*Description above listed under 10.21.20
Closing Ceremony:
January 28, 2021, 6-8pm PST

On this very special and Sacred Full Moon Ceremony, Neskonlith Elder will share with our trainees the meaning of the name "House of the Moon", why she holds Full Moon Ceremony, and wisdom for how to remain on the "Moonlight Path that extends over the Lake" amidst devastating losses, remaining steadfast on the new trail ahead.
This virtual gratitude and prayer ceremony will complete the curricula portion of the pilot program. Trainees, Founding Council, Advisor Circle and Presenters are encouraged to attend.
Trainees to Facilitate 4 community gatherings:
Facilitator trainees begin planning 4 of their own House of the Moon community gatherings based on and as part of their training. Gatherings must held before April 10, 2021. Support and feedback meetings will be set up based on when trainees host their own gatherings.
Graduation Ceremony & Celebration
April 27, 2021, 6-8pm PST

On this very special evening on the Full Moon, Ponca Elder and Drum Keeper, and one of our honored Advisors, Casey Camp-Horinek, will give the Keynote address to our very first Graduates of the Holistic Empowerment and Self-Defense Pilot Facilitator Training Program.
We will honor and celebrate their bravery and enormous accomplishment with prayer, ceremony and acknowledgments. They will receive their Graduate Certificates of Completion.
This virtual ceremony and celebration will complete the pilot program. Trainees, Founding Council, Advisor Circle and Presenters are encouraged to attend. Invitations will be sent out and Graduates are welcome to invite friends and family. Space is limited to 100, so you will have to register for the event in advance.